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Canadian Heart Health

License Terms of Use

For UBC Library users

Research/Private Study



May I download or print a copy of the material(s) for UBC-related research or my own private study?

Class Handouts



May I distribute or incorporate multiple print copies of the material(s) into class handouts distributed to students in a UBC course?

Print Course Packs



May I incorporate a copy of the material(s) into a print course pack for use by students in a UBC course?

Learning Management Systems



May I upload an electronic copy of the materials(s) on a learning management system (e.g. Connect, Vista, MEDICOL) for a UBC course or research?




May I upload an electronic copy of the materials(s) on a library course reserves system?




If you would like to find out whether images from this electronic resource may be provided UBC students in classroom materials, please contact us here, and we will obtain the information from the publisher as quickly as possible.

Persistent URLs



May I post a persistent URL (electronic link) to the material(s)?

Text and Data Mining


Please contact us here if you have questions about text mining permissions.

Scholarly Publishing


Contact us here for more information.

Scholarly Sharing


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Artificial Intelligence


May I use an Artificial Intelligence tool for the purposes of educational and research purposes? Contact us here for more information.

For Libraries

Is interlibrary loan (ILL) allowed?


The license for this electronic resource does not allow interlibrary loans.

Section 9 (1) In any publication based on the Microdata files provided... shall use the following form of accreditation: "This analysis is based on the Canadian Heart Health Database 1986-92, which contains anonymized data collected in a coordinated series of Heart Health Surveys carried out in the ten Provinces of Canada between 1986 and 1992. The database was constructed by the Conference of Principal Investigators of Provincial Heart Health Programs from survey questions and clinical measures which were common to all surveys. All computations on these microdata were prepared by (Name Of User Organization) and the responsibility for the use of these data is entirely that of the author(s)

If your intended use is not covered here or you have additional questions about license permissions, please contact us here

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